Kitten rescued from storm drain thanks to firefighters and … a leaf blower? See video

Firefighter Dan McKenna worked quickly to get the little ball of fur free
Firefighter Dan McKenna worked quickly to get the little ball of fur free

It took some creativity to rescue a little bundle of fur from a precarious situation, but firefighters in Ohio rose to the challenge.

The Chardon Fire Department stepped in to save a kitten from a storm drain and the ordeal was caught on camera and posted Sept. 14 on Facebook.

“Firefighter Dan McKenna and the ‘A’ shift rescued a kitten from a storm drain in the Woods of Burlington development, with a little help from a leaf blower. Nice job,” the video was captioned.

Video shows McKenna reaching down inside the storm drain while another person helps assist on the opposite end of the drain with a leaf blower, hoping to perhaps spook the kitten into the hands of McKenna. When it doesn’t work the first time, the second time appears to be the charm.

McKenna is able to safely scoop up the orange feline and place them on solid ground to someone saying “oh, there he is!” followed by a much deserved “aww.”

People in the comment section praised McKenna for his actions and asked if he happened to adopt the little soft pile of tangerine fluff.

“Did you take the kitten home?” one person asked.

“Ahh no! One of the people back there took it!!” McKenna answered.

Chardon is about a 30-mile drive northeast from Cleveland.

Aaron Moody is a sports and general reporter for the News & Observer. Here is a second sentence for the bio because it will probably be longer than this. Maybe even longer I don't know. Support my work with a digital subscription